Creators: Vitaliy and Anna Ignatov

Brand DNA

Original jewellery made of white bronze, blending history and magical realism.


Anna and Vitaliy craft exclusive jewellery inspired by the bronze artistry and accessories of ancestors who lived in the Ural Mountains and Western Siberia thousands of years ago. Despite their archaic roots, the designers believe these ancient forms are aesthetically beautiful and relevant in the context of a modern urban wardrobe. The pieces are made from white bronze—a unique alloy inspired by ancient archaeological finds of white-colored metal, whose composition is unknown today. They do not contain potentially allergenic nickel.

Brand History

Anna and Vitaliy are cultural studies graduates. Since their university years, they have been fascinated by the culture of the Urals. In 2022, Vitaliy began creating jewellery in a small home workshop, drawing inspiration from Western Siberian culture. The first piece was the Ring of Peace—a legendary artefact from Yugra. Anna, who had dedicated several years to visuals and photography, curated the social media accounts. Last year, they completed training in the All-Russian accelerator program "Path of the Craftsman," which helped them move towards establishing their jewellery brand: skillfully forming collections, presenting material, and creating coherent visual storytelling. Now, the VOTANGI brand is actively developing: new jewellery collections are emerging, and collaborations with designers, travellers, and restaurateurs from Yekaterinburg and other regions are forming. Future plans include releasing their own merchandise.


Ideal place for creativity?
Vitaliy: Our workshop is at home, so I create in my kitchen. We strive to make our space as comfortable as possible
Musical track that often plays when creating?
Anna: We agree that the best music is silence. I often write texts and try to contemplate historical materials, and unnecessary sounds are distracting. Vitaliy, being a theatre sound engineer by profession, highly values silence due to his professional background
The item you want to wear all the time?
Vitaliy: We unanimously decided that it is the Ring of Peace
Least favorite part of the work process?
Vitaliy: When we have to fulfil a bulk order. I prefer creating something new and unique rather than repeating already-made designs. Anna: I direct photo shoots but dislike processing the photos afterwards. Sometimes the concept doesn’t match the execution, or the work is just technical, not creative. However, we feel inspired once we see the final result. Our favorite part is developing new collection concepts, discussing ideas, and sketching visuals
Which fictional or real character would represent your brand?
Vitaliy: We considered Ostap Bender and Jacques-Yves Cousteau, but decided that Pavel Petrovich Bazhov fits best. If he were alive, we would definitely photograph him in our merch
What scent resonates most with your brand?
Vitaliy: Probably the scent of a damp, gloomy forest, the taiga, with the warming smell of a campfire
Ideal location for a photoshoot in the Urals?
Anna: I’d love to shoot on the banks of the legendary Chusovaya River, where there’s water, taiga, and cliffs, during the transition from autumn to winter. Many of the tales, legends, and stories we tell take place in such slightly mystical settings. Vitaliy: I believe we shouldn’t be tied to one location. The Urals, with its multifaceted and diverse nature, suits us entirely!
The hardest part of creating a new collection?
Vitaliy: Finding the right form. Interpreting a historical piece in a modern context, finding the right size, and making adjustments to make it more relevant. Anna: For me, it’s the internal fears that the result won’t match the vision, that the collection won’t be well-received, and that we might be disappointed. But overcoming these fears is part of the creative process
Advice for those starting out?
Vitaliy: Ignore criticism. Anna: Be braver, more open, and straightforward when communicating with well-known personalities and bloggers. By engaging in various collaborations, we understand that the world is kind, and open, and appreciates what we do
What will change fashion soon?
We’ve noticed that many bloggers discussing contemporary culture are increasingly turning to Russian authenticity. These ideas are actively being used in clothing, food, and jewellery. We support this trend wholeheartedly. Designers are boldly exploring authenticity, resulting in beautiful creations. We don’t yet know where this will lead, but we believe in the broad prospects and significance of what’s happening now. Not long ago, we marveled at "Wow, Italian fashion." Imagine people saying, based on our traditional shirts and jewellery, "These are pieces from the Urals, a discovery!" We hope people will recognize the relevance and importance of their roots and incorporate them into their appearance and creativity