The best time to think is before you go to bed - the moment when you are almost falling asleep. In such a relaxed state, the brain begins to process the information that comes during the day, and then ideas, insights, and bright findings come. In the morning, they may not seem so relevant any more. Often I get up and start sketching
At the moment, it's a small gold forget-me-not ring with six small diamonds. It's thin and shiny, and I love it so much. I can't feel it on my hands, and I wear it all the time. We released these rings before the new year of 2023
I hope to write a journal someday - I think it's helpful. And in general, I don't have a special attachment to things (including my jewellery). I am more fascinated by the process of creation rather than the material result itself. I create the actual products for people, and for myself I leave the work on the idea, running in, bringing from the world of ideas into the material world
I'm actually happy to be in the current moment. There are 10 people here in the office who help me do the non-favorite parts of the business. I used to do everything myself since I started out on my own. Now my work is pretty much crystallized into only the things I enjoy. There are still moments left that I'll finish cleaning up in the near future. For example, I make all the bills and payments myself. These are little things that remain to remind me that work consists of different things. In general, our work seems creative to people, but 90% of it is very technical. There's a lot of work with documents, with rules, with invoices, with production. There is not much creativity left
I don't use fragrances. But there is one that I bought because I liked it conceptually. In fact, the first fragrance I bought was Rose by Paul Smith. It just smelled like a rose. And the last one is Rosa Nigra by Fillippo Sorchinelli. It smells like a rose, too, but it doesn't have a single "rose" ingredient in its formula. That is, it smells like a rose, but it's made up of completely different ingredients
Be yourself and believe in what you're doing, genuinely love it. And if you're suffering, think about it. Maybe all this suffering of yours isn't worth it
I really like Natalia Vodianova as a person. I'm not sure if I want to do a collaboration, but it would be great to work with her
The jewellery industry is over 4,000 years old and nothing will change it. I've been to the London History Museum, and I've seen jewellery from Ancient Egypt, and Ancient Rome. They look exactly like modern jewellery: same materials, same themes. And that's the beauty of it. The minute a person could not think about food, he decorated himself with something. And it will be the last thing he takes off of himself. That's the good thing about the jewellery industry, it's stable. Yes, it is reborn in digital formats using different materials, but in fact we always work with a person's desire to decorate himself. This symbolizes for him a feeling of rising above his everyday life, an opportunity to afford something more