
Yana Goldberg
Brand DNA
Sports capsules, comfortable underwear, and swimsuits—perfect clothing for those who aren't afraid to experiment and stay on top of trends.
Goldberg is built on self-love and the ability to express yourself as the best version of yourself. Clothing for sports and active living should not only be comfortable and high-tech but also stylish.
Brand History
Yana and her husband are competitive athletes, professionally engaged in bodybuilding. They often faced the challenge of finding the perfect underwear and outfits for training and competitions. This led to the idea in 2023 to create their own clothing that would appeal not only to athletes but also to everyone who loves an active lifestyle.
Best time of day for creativity?
Mostly during workouts. It's during training that you understand what kind of clothing you’d like to wear to highlight the body's definition or to demonstrate how muscles work
Ideal place for creativity?
It's more about a feeling than a place. When you arrive in a new country or city that you haven't visited before, there's usually a unique daily life, atmosphere, and vibe that inspires you to create something
Item from the brand you'd want to wear continuously?
Our "velour" pieces. They are incredibly soft and pleasant to the touch, suitable for any occasion
Favorite/Least favorite part of the fashion process?
The favorite part is when the perfect sample is ready, and you can start production! The least favorite part is doing the routine work (labeling, reporting, etc.)
Ideal location in the Urals for a collection shoot?
Ural Mars or the Berezovskie Sands, since the new collection will be inspired by the movie "Dune."
Most challenging part of creating a new collection?
Finding the perfect fabrics and creating the perfect patterns. This always takes a lot of time
Advice to yourself at the beginning of your journey?
Don't stop, keep going
One word to describe your brand?
If you could collaborate with any celebrity or character, who would it be?
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
What will change fashion in the near future?
Right now, brands are selling not just products but the mood and feeling that comes with using them. I’m sure everything will continue to evolve in this direction