Hollywood Loves Russia

Brand Founder: Rudolph Demps III

Brand DNA

Hollywood Loves Russia represents CASUAL REBELLIOUS style — bright hues, statement details, handcrafted uniqueness, and effortless charm seamlessly blending with Hollywood’s classic aesthetic.


Rudolph Demps, an American from Los Angeles, expresses his inner world, love for Hollywood, its fashion, and aesthetics in every collection. The brand’s garments are produced in small batches at their own facility in the heart of Yekaterinburg. Each piece, from pattern to buttons, is crafted by a single tailor, ensuring precision and accountability. The brand’s motto: Made in Russia, created by an American.

Brand History

A professional producer and musician, Rudolph Demps arrived in Russia many years ago. Captivated by the country’s nature and culture, he decided to stay and launched the project Rudolph’s Dinner Show. In 2022, while ordering costumes for his performances, Rudolph conceived the idea of starting his own clothing brand. The goal was to reflect his personal style, love for unique items, and his admiration for Hollywood’s aesthetics. This marked the birth of Hollywood Loves Russia in Yekaterinburg.


Best time of day for creativity?
Most of my best ideas come to me about an hour before I wake up in the morning
Ideal place for creativity?
I create most things in my mind; I don’t have a physical space for creativity
Music track most often played when feeling creative?
Cinema inspires me more than music when it comes to fashion
A brand item you’d want to wear non-stop?
I haven’t found clothing I love that much, which is why I started creating it. I hope to reach a point where everything I make feels irresistible and perfect
Which part of the fashion process is your least/most favourite?
Least favourite: buying supplies like threads, buttons, etc. Most favourite: testing the prototypes we’ve created, especially feeling satisfied with the results
Which historical or literary character would you make the face of the brand?
Vladimir Putin, as a representation of Russia
What scent aligns best with your brand?
The scent of bergamot
What’s the ideal location in the Urals for a photoshoot?
Lake Uvildy in the Chelyabinsk region. I’d love to shoot on a yacht
What’s the hardest part of creating a new collection?
Doing everything that’s needed on time
What advice would you give your younger self?
Be more meticulous when selecting materials and components at every stage of the process
How would you describe your brand in one word?
If you could collaborate with any celebrity (or character), who would it be?
Canadian actor and musician Ryan Gosling